Proverbs 18:20

“Words satisfy the soul as food satisfies the stomach;

the right words on a person’s lips bring satisfaction.”


Talk to the Hand Transcription is an independent General Transcription company based in Central Florida. My name is Kathy Whitman, and I’d love to tell you a little bit about myself. Surrounded by family and friends, my home is filled with love and fur babies. I come from an English Education background, teaching young minds the joy of fine literature, the satisfaction of a well-written paper, and the fun of grammar. Yes, grammar IS fun! Greek and Latin roots and derivatives are like never-ending word games to me, and I thoroughly enjoy learning about how they influence my own language and vocabulary. Those who know me well understand that my mind is filled with a plethora of useless information unless I’m a contestant on Jeopardy, a teacher, or someone who can apply those bits of knowledge to a task. I love to learn and am constantly researching topics to gain greater understanding and application. Yes, I am that person who immediately corrects and refines poor grammar, which makes me a great transcriptionist.  My certification confirms it!

Welcome to Talk to the Hand Transcription!


General Transcription services are for anyone who needs audio or video files converted into text accurately and efficiently. Text-to-text transcription, converting hard-copy resources into digital format, is another service offered. Clients are varied in type and industry, from YouTube tutorials and marketing videos to podcast and webinars for businesses to journalism and media interviews and commercials. If you need a transcription, chances are I can do it!


• podcasts

• speeches

• sermons


• YouTube  videos

• marketing videos

• debates

Hard copy

• books

• old files

• scans


What types of payment do you take?

All major credit cards through PayPal, money order, and certified check.

What kinds of audio and video formats do you accept?

Virtually all digital formats are accepted. No cassette tapes will be accepted due to inherently poor audio quality and the required step to digitize the file.

Why are strict verbatim, poor audio, and time coding more expensive?

Strict verbatim requires a keen ear and lots of patience. The challenge is to catch and record every utterance (um, uh, er, etc.), false start, and stutter of the speaker. Th-, th-, those words, uh, yeah, are, like, crazy hard to, um, catch!

Poor audio/video is very challenging to accurately transcribe when the sound is polluted. Interviews at restaurants, speakers too far from the microphone, speakers with heavy foreign accents, multiple speakers talking over each other, and various background noises limit the ability of the transcriber to understand and provide the client with an accurate transcription.

Time coding is inserting a time at a particular interval, usually every 30 or 60 seconds, or at the client’s preference, throughout the document. It requires specialized software and takes considerably more time.

Do you use a specialized template or can personalized letterhead or formats be used?

I can use whatever you need. Just let me know your preferences.

What percentage of accuracy can you guarantee?

It sure would be great to guarantee 100% accuracy, but I am human and mistakes happen. However, I always strive to meet that 100% goal by doing my very best. If there are any errors within your transcript, please let me know. I will gladly correct them!

What if it’s the weekend, and I need a transcript right away?

If it’s possible for me to serve, I will make an exception. Please contact me for an emergency rate.

Can you guarantee confidentiality?

Absolutely. Your audio/video files and all transcripts associated with them are kept securely on my password-protected computer with the most current antivirus software. All files will be kept for six weeks, allowing grace time for any follow-up or additional copies. After six weeks, all files will be permanently deleted. More confidentiality information can be found in the “Terms of Service Agreement.”


Audio and video rates are per audio minute.

For difficult audio, time coding, and strict verbatim, please add $0.50/audio minute for each additional service.

Text-to-text rate is per page. Contact me for rates.

All new clients receive 10% off the first transcription service!


Business Days

1-2 Speakers: $1.50

3+ Speakers: $2.00


Business Days

1-2 Speakers: $1.70

3+ Speakers: $2.20


Business Days

1-2 Speakers: $2.00

3+ Speakers: $2.50


(386) 643-0797

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